Your mouth shelters numerous organs. Each organ of it play a certain role in digestion. Each of them have certain importance and benefits. Do you want to know them? If yes, then read below!
Teeth: It is the first and foremost part and organ of your mouth. They are meant to carry out 50 percent if digestion. They are the strongest part of body. There are total 32 teeth in mouth which are arranged in two sets. Each set has 16 teeth. There are four types of teeth in mouth: incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Incisors are in front which are followed by canines, premolars and molars. Premolars and molars are behind incisors and canines. Each of them have different shape and size according to their function. Yet, all of them are supported by guns and jaws.
Gums: They are the softer part than teeth. Each teeth is supported by bed of gums. They have roots. They are very sensitive to hot and cold. Therefore, such toothpaste are made which strengthen them. Doctors advise their patients to have such foods and drink that make them strong because they can damage and hurt easily. Patients with weak teeth are advised to eat crunchy foods and vitamin rich foods to ensure protection and strength. You can have milk, green leafy veggie, apples and raisins to have guaranteed shield.
Jaws: Jaws are stronger part than gums. They support each set of teeth. They are strong but you need to take care of them. They give shape to your face and hold all teeth at one plane. Doctors or dentists who work in dental implant clinic Dubai advise their patients to have a glass of milk, yoghurt and cheese daily to keep jaws strong and firm. Besides this, they ate requested to brush their teeth slowly so that they would not hurt their gums and jaws otherwise they would suffer by the hands of porcelain veneers Dubai the most.
Saliva: Saliva is the liquid
secretion in mouth that assist teeth in digestion. It mixes with food to break
the compounds and make digestion faster. Its composition is 95 percent of
water. There are many foods that boost its production.
Tongue: It us flashy
organ of mouth that helps in sending food to esophagus and then in gut for
remaining digestion.