There are many Montessori schools in Dubai which are providing almost same early year’s foundation learning according to the global standards. These early years are very crucial and that’s why they are given the most importance. They are important because they are the foundation for future learning and education. If the foundation is strong then the child will prosper in every field of his interest and if the foundation is not strong then the child will struggle throughout his life to achieve his goals. Nursery in downtown Dubai offers different kinds of educational areas, some which are as follows:
Literacy: In this area they will learn about the basic alphabets and other related things. They will learn it though different mediums, some nurseries provide multimedia projected rhymes for the children because children will learn more easily when they see it on a screen. These rhymes are colorful which help in attracting and grabbing the full attention of the child. Some other nurseries have other fun ways to teach children like through playing and colorful books and singing the small songs etc.
Mathematics: It is the most important skill which every child should get. This skill will be needed in every stage and in every field of the life. It can be learned through different fun ways. Different kinds of flash cards will be used and the first calculator of every child which is named as abacus. But first it is important to learn the numbers. When kids know about the numbers and their values then they will progress further. These numbers can be taught through books and painting in which child paint different colored dots to know about the numbers.
Arts: Previously the field of arts was not very popular but now educationists will know about the importance of this field. Through this, children will express their feeling and they will learn different things like colors and different color combinations. They will come to know about the mix and match thing in which they will make new colors by mixing different colors, this will increase their imagination. When they draw and paint then it will increase their grip on the brush and it will help them in writing too. This will also increase their motor skills by sensing different textures.